Saturday, March 9, 2019

On Women's Day

Here we go again on Women’s Day, misogynist posts, videos and messages are circulating on social media, pointing out where women fall inferior to men. ‘women can't drive’ memes and videos are everywhere; the cliché of famous chefs are men not women, scientific contributions are mostly done by men and not women and so on.

Browsing through these posts, which get average hundreds of shares, makes me feel that we are stuck in the 1950s when men lashed at women fighting for their right to join the public life. For years I thought the time had passed when we need to argue that we are equally capable and that we are equally smart.

Dear misogynist men out there, take out your hands out of your pants and look around you. Things have changed. Yes, women, left behind for thousands of years, have made it to the top. They are presidents, CEOs, scientists and mostly much better drivers in spite of what these funny videos show.

Instead of spending the day to bring women down and make her day a joke you laugh at with your buddies, who must share with you the same misogynistic grudge, take the day to educate yourself about what your mother had been through to raise you the person you are now. Educate yourself about what your sister, daughter or girl-friend has to go through on a daily basis to find her place in the world. Acknowledge the support, the kindness and love given to you by the women in your life. And end it with a wish that your little sister, daughter, niece will not have to suffer in her life because she is woman.

If you have no woman in your life at the moment, think of your female colleague and educate yourself about women’s struggle in the workplace. Be kind and supportive in non-creepy way. Simply, don't be the other jerk she has to deal with for the day.  

My husband is not a man of intellect; he basically hates reading and listening to the news. He has a kind heart but considering he had never been in serious relationship and came from a world teaching men to act superior to women, I found it necessary to teach him about misogyny and what does it entail for women. It started as a joke, but now he does not only know the word, but he also can tell when he is acting like a misogynist. He became more appreciative of his mother and sisters; he does not find demeaning to help around the house.

As for us women, we are not that great with each other either. It is really sad that we are not helping each other as it should be. We have been pushed aside for centuries, we are still abused at home and at work. Yet, instead of supporting each other, we turn against each.

Take the day, lady, and think why you are bitching about your colleague, why she is so annoying to you. Is it workplace competition or has become more of personal jealousy?

If you are in a place of your life where you have access to everything you need, think of the million others who do not. Think of the little girls and women around the world who still struggle to access the necessities of daily life. Use your voice and platform to support their struggles. Not because your personal battle has ended triumphantly for you, it has been the same for others. If you have made it to the other side, look behind you and see the millions who are still struggling to get there. If you can’t help, don’t be the obstacle.

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